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Expectations and Rewards

Art Class

Expectations for learning and

classroom rules:


In order to provide a classroom environment that is conducive to learning for all students, the following expectations for learning are in place in our fourth grade classroom. They allow for clarity of daily procedures and an environment that lends to active, engaged learning for and acceptance of all students. Students are encouraged to act as Jesus would to others.

Here are our Classroom Rules:

1.  Dream big dreams.

2. Come to class prepared.

3. Keep your hands to yourself.

4. Try new things.

5. Be polite to others.

6. Always do your best.

Classroom Behavior and Envelopes/Popsicle Sticks:


We utilize classroom incentives/envelopes and a popsicle stick system that resets each day.  If a student is disrupting the learning process and breaking any of the rules above, they will be given 3 warnings. A plain popsicle stick will be placed in the student's envelope for each warning. No consequence is given until after the third warning.

Although I do not expect issues, it is important that the following expectations are understood so that our fourth grade classroom can be a place of learning and acceptance for all students.

Here are the behavior chart steps followed for our fourth grade classroom after 3 warnings/plain popsicle sticks in an envelope are given and behavior continues:

***Please note that homework completion and excessive bathroom usage without a medical reason/wandering the halls is included in this behavior program and will involve loss of recess time. ***

Step 1- Receive yellow popsicle stick in envelope and lose 10 minutes of recess

Step 2- Receive orange popsicle stick in envelope, lose all of recess, and parent contact/note home

Step 3- Receive red popsicle stick in envelope, completion of a behavior contract, lose recess for the entire week, and parent contact/note home. 

If a student is accumulating consequences frequently, a parent conference may be requested.

Also, please note that the expectations in our classroom continue when using the bathroom, at specials, at lunch and recess, etc. Positive and respectful behavior is expected all throughout our school, not just in our classroom.

*Severe misbehavior will be sent directly to the Principal's Office


Reward Punch Cards and Envelopes/Popsicle Sticks:

Students will receive green, blue, and purple popsicle sticks in their envelope for being caught doing something good. When they receive three total popsicle sticks in these colors in one day (resets each day), they will receive a hole punch on their reward card. Each student receives a reward card.  Students earn hole punches on their reward card for good behavior and also for having their planner consistently signed by a parent each night (checked each morning and marked with a stamp in planner; hole punch given on Fridays)  Once he/she has received 10 hole punches total, that student will receive a choice of a reward.

Here are examples of what they can choose:

1. Choice of prize from reward box

2. Listen to music with earphones during independent work time

3. Free homework assignment pass

4. Flexible seating option

5. Draw on SMARTBoard on Friday afternoon for five minutes at end of day

Students will receive a scratch off card once they receive all 10 hole punches that will list their reward. The student will then receive a new punch card to start over again towards a new reward.

Whole Class Behavior Rewards Chart:

We also have a class reward incentive system for behavior of the entire class. A weekly class reward chart will be used and labeled with rewards agreed upon by the class and Mrs. LeFebvre. Each time the class is observed with positive behavior each day (morning, lunch/recess, specials, afternoon), a magnet will be moved closer to the weekly reward. If the class is not acting as they should in accordance with the rules, the magnet will be moved back. These behaviors will be in our own classroom, as well as specials, bathroom, lunch, and recess. Once the class reaches the end of the map on the reward chart, they will receive the reward listed (examples: sit by a friend for the day, treat time, extra recess/free time, etc.) 

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