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Weekly Vocabulary and Spelling

Hand Writing
Each week, our vocabulary quiz will be on Thursday, and our comprehension and spelling quizzes will be on Friday. Students will also take a practice spelling quiz (not graded) on Thursday.
 Students will receive a spelling choice board/study guide each week with activities to practice words (three choices/activities due on Friday).
Our weekly spelling and vocabulary words come from the HMH Into Reading book. There are twenty spelling words each week plus four review words and four challenged words. Our twenty regular spelling words will be on the weekly tests, and one surprise word selected from the review and challenge word lists will be given each week for a possibility of one bonus point each. There will be a varying amount of vocabulary words each week, but usually it will be around ten words each week. Vocabulary quizzes will be multiple choice and put the words into context.
Week of April 15-19, 2024
Module 9 Week 1:
'Luz Sees the Light'


1. frequent-

happens often

2. sufficient-

just what is needed and no more

3. oasis-

a relazing or peaceful spot in an area that is unpleasant in some way

4. permission-

someone who is in charge allows you to do what you asked to do

5. installing-

setting something up so it is ready to use

6. abandoned-

no longer cared for or used


1. idea

2. lion

3. usual

4. radio

5. liar

6. poem

7. India

8. piano

9. January

10. quiet

11. poet

12. science

13. diary

14. violin

15. Period

16. February

17. cereal

18. video

19. meteor

20. rodeo

Review Spelling Words:

21. surprise

22. complete

23. although

24. instead

Challenge Spelling Words:

25. visual

26. create

27. genuine

28. patriot

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